
St. Vigil Golf Course

Located at an altitude of 850 meters at the foot of the Sciliar, this 18-hole golf course is every golfer’s dream. Winding over an area of about 60 hectares, the course is spotted with idyllic lakes, gorges, streamlets and waterfalls, and has long fairways, a wide variety of holes, a large driving range, a pitching area as well as putting and chipping greens.
Course Designer Bernd Hofmann and Wolfgang Jersombeck
Hours of Operation
Weekdays, 07:30 - 19:30 hrs
* The Driving Range is closed Monday mornings for greenkeeping - except when Monday is a holiday *
Course Information
18 Holes
5017 Meters for men
4017 Meters for women
Distance from the hotel
Miles 6.2 / Kilometers 10
Guarantee Tee Time
Golf Carts
18holes: 30 Euro
Alt Transport Cost
Taxi: Approx. 30 Euro.
Amenities on Course
- Club Rentals
- Driving Range
- Pull Carts